Friday, November 20, 2009

chrome OS

Finally i got to install chrome OS on my Mac using virtual Box. Well installing it is not my own intelligence though. I was using this techcrunch article. Well google has almost all the basic applications that are needed for daily use and most importantly run on a browser.
Coming to the actual OS, it opens up a browser and you are going to stay in here all your time. Its a little weird in the beginning as I am used to a whole bunch of windows in my task bar.
1) Firstly it authentication is done with ur google account.
2) It has the gmail and google calendar in 2 tabs that cannot be removed.
3) Oddly enough, I am able to open multiple windows of the browser but I cannot actually see the list of all the windows as a whole to toggle between. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but that is a required must.

I can say that on a whole it looks like working only on chrome browser on my windows machine. Nothing essentially great about it. But the actual idea of having an OS exclusively to browse the web is pretty good.

I am also not sure about how far this is going to be useful in the netbook world too, because as far as i have read, it has its own hardware requirements, which might mean that once i get a netbook with chrome OS i might not be able to change my operating system to something else if I am actually not interested in it. Well as it has been now released into the open source world and it has almost one year to go before it is released, i am positive that it will be made to something pretty awesome by then.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Changing the grid CSS

Well, most of you guys might have known this, I am just putting it in for my reference.

Problem: If my application uses multiple grids and i want to have different CSS for each of the grids. What should i do?

Solution: 1) Set the Id of the grid.


2) Lets say I want to change the cell height and add borders to the cell of the above grid, I can change it by changing the css for that particular grid.

#myGrid .x-grid3-cell-inner 
    HEIGHT : 30px !important;  
    border: 1px solid #C0C0C0 !important;

Monday, October 19, 2009

How to set the grid row style?

Well the column style can be set using the GridCellRenderer, but there is a completely different way to set the style of a row.

GridViewConfig gvc = new GridViewConfig(){
public String getRowStyle(ModelData model, int rowIndex, ListStore ds) {
    return "row-Style";  // Style to be set to a row

User specific conditions can be checked in getRowStyle to set different styles to different rows.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Multi cell selection in a row using shift and control key – grid GXT

This post is an extension to this previous post. Code in the previous post is used to multi select cell in a row using the shift keys. It is updated to add functionality to select cells in a particular row using control key and also highlight the row that we are currently working on.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.El;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.GridEvent;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.CellSelectionModel;
 * This class is an extension of CellSelectionModel. 
 * The CellSelectionModel allows us to select only one cell at a particular time. 
 * This Class allows us to select multiple cells in a particular row in a grid.
 * Multi select is performed by pressing the shift key with the mouse click
 * @author Ravikanth Kolli
 * @version 1.0
 * @param <M>
public class RowCellSelectionModel<M extends ModelData> extends CellSelectionModel<M> { 
int lastSelectedRow = -1;
int lastSelectedCol = -1;
private CellSelection selected ;
List<CellSelection> cellsSelected = new ArrayList<CellSelection>();
 * Overriding the handleMouseDown event.
 * MultiSelect is done by pressing the shiftkey 
protected void handleMouseDown(GridEvent e) {
if(lastSelectedRow == -1)
selected = new CellSelection(listStore.getAt(e.getRowIndex()),e.getRowIndex(),e.getColIndex());
lastSelectedRow = e.getRowIndex();
lastSelectedCol = e.getColIndex();
}else if (lastSelectedRow == e.getRowIndex() && (e.isShiftKey() || e.isControlKey())) {
// control key press adding or removing cell from the cellsSelected list. 
if(cellsSelected.size() > 0)"x-grid3-row-selected");
for (int i = 1 ; i < e.getGrid().getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++) {
Element cell = grid.getView().getCell(lastSelectedRow, i);
if (cell != null) {"x-grid3-cell-selected");
if(lastSelectedCol > e.getColIndex()){
for (int iter = e.getColIndex(); iter < lastSelectedCol+1 ; iter++)
selected = new CellSelection(listStore.getAt(e.getRowIndex()),e.getRowIndex(),iter);
lastSelectedRow = e.getRowIndex();
for (int iter = lastSelectedCol; iter < e.getColIndex() + 1 ; iter++)
selected = new CellSelection(listStore.getAt(e.getRowIndex()),e.getRowIndex(),iter);
lastSelectedRow  = e.getRowIndex();
// control key press adding or removing cell from the cellsSelected list. 
else if(e.isControlKey())
if(cellsSelected.size() > 0)"x-grid3-row-selected");
boolean isSelected = false;
for (int i =0 ; i < cellsSelected.size();i++)
{, cellsSelected.get(i).cell)).removeStyleName("x-grid3-cell-selected");
if(cellsSelected.get(i).row == e.getRowIndex() && cellsSelected.get(i).cell == e.getColIndex())
isSelected = true;
selected = new CellSelection(listStore.getAt(e.getRowIndex()), e.getRowIndex(), e.getColIndex());
lastSelectedRow = e.getRowIndex();
||  cellsSelected.size() == 0
|| !(cellsSelected.get(0).row == e.getRowIndex() && cellsSelected.get(0).cell <= e.getColIndex() && e.getColIndex() <= cellsSelected.get(cellsSelected.size() - 1).cell) 
||  cellsSelected.get(0).row != e.getRowIndex()){
if(cellsSelected.size() > 0)"x-grid3-row-selected");
for (int i = 1 ; i < e.getGrid().getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++)
Element cell = grid.getView().getCell(lastSelectedRow, i);
if (cell != null) {"x-grid3-cell-selected");
selected = new CellSelection(listStore.getAt(e.getRowIndex()),e.getRowIndex(),e.getColIndex());
lastSelectedRow = e.getRowIndex();
lastSelectedCol = e.getColIndex();
 * Add the cell selected style after all the events are handled
DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {
      if(cellsSelected.size() > 0)
for (int iter = 0 ; iter < cellsSelected.size() ; iter++) {
Element element = grid.getView().getCell(cellsSelected.get(iter).row,cellsSelected.get(iter).cell);
if (element != null) {"x-grid3-cell-selected");
 * Method to get the list of all the selected cells at a particular time
 * @return list of selected CellSelections.
public List<CellSelection> getSelectedCells()
return cellsSelected;
 * clear the selections in cellsSelected
public void clearSelections()

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Improving grid performance of an application GXT

For over a month now, I have been working on improving the performance of my application and get feedback from the clients for areas of improvement. My application was running really slow and the reason

1) IE being the only browser that our company supports, is pretty bad in handling white spaces(we do a lot of server side processing in ColdFusion which comes up with a lot white spaces)

Solution: shrink the ColdFusion file into a single line

2) JSONReader is taking a whole lot of time to extract the data and put it in a store.

Solution: After a lot of debugging, I figured out that “” that is used in the JSONReader uses a HashMap to store the JSONValue and the get method of HashMap it the most time consuming.

GXT has FastMap which is pretty fast than HashMap. I try to override the mapping part of the JSONObject and try to generate my custom map using FastMap.

public Map<String, Object> decode(JSONObject jso) {
Map<String, Object> map = new FastMap<Object>();
for (String key : jso.keySet()) {
JSONValue j = jso.get(key);
map.put(key, j.isString().stringValue());
return map;

Whenever I try to get a single JSONValue i use the map to get the data. I tested it and is about 50-60% faster than the previous.

3) Grid rendering also takes a long time which increases with the number of rows.

Solution: I was going through the GXT blog and read about the buffered view for a grid, using which we can render only the rows in the grid that are visible, and each time the scroll bar is used previous rows are cleared from the DOM and new rows are added. This makes the rendering pretty fast and also the speed of the editing features in the grid is increased.

  1: BufferView view = new BufferView();
  2: view.setScrollDelay(10);
  3: view.setRowHeight(28);
  4: grid.setView(view);
The row height has to specified in the view and I think it is needed to decide the number of rows to be displayed.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Migration to GXT 2.0 from GXT 1.2.4


EXTJS released GXT 2.0 on July 6 2009.

GXT 2.0 uses GWT version of 1.6 and above. The project structure has been changed by using the WAR folder for all the configuration and public resource files. An eclipse plug-in  has been released at Google code which creates the project based on our required project structure, with the server configurations and WAR folder created for our convenience.

Coming to GXT there are a lot breaking changes in 2.0 and can be found under migration guide of your downloaded zip. some of the basic changes includes, variables that are accessed as such previously are changed to getter and setter methods, more events are added such as ButtonEvent, MessageBoxEvent etc, and also the ext-all.css that was used previously has been changed to gxt-all.css and has been placed under resources/css along with all the other images( this folder is also present within the downloaded zip).

Creating a project:

1) The eclipse plugin allows us to create a New Web Application Project that includes creating a new GWT module.

2) Copy resources/ folder from GXT into the WAR folder that was created by the wizard.

3) Add  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/css/gxt-all.css" /> to the HTML file that is also created in the WAR folder of the application.

4) The compiled code is also placed in the WAR folder

Monday, July 13, 2009

Disable the Browser’s context menu

The following lines of native JavaScript code can be used to disable the browsers context menu, when it is no more needed or if there is a user defined context menu. This method has to be called by the component that needs to have the menu disabled.

private static native void disableBrowserContextMenuJSNI() /*-{ 
         $doc.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; }; 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Error Messages gxt

Its been quite a while since i made a blog post. I have been working on generating a couple of reports for my application and generating those took forever. Now here i am finally done with my application and adding a few modifications to make it look good.

I was trying to get a TextField’s regex with the first character being a number. This post is mainly to change the error message we get with the little red exclamation mark beside the text field.

shiftNo.getMessages().setRegexText("shift number should always start with a number");

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Grid Plugins

Additions to the grids like the Row Numberer, checkboxes, Row Expander are added as plugins to the Grid.

Adding Row Expander:

  1: XTemplate tpl = XTemplate.create("<p><b>Company:</b> {name}</p><br><p><b>Summary:</b> {desc}</p>");
  2: RowExpander expander = new RowExpander();
  3: expander.setTemplate(tpl);  

and then we need to add the plugin to the grid. We cannot apply a rowExpander to a Summary Grid.


The XTemplate contains the information that has to be displayed when the “+” is clicked.

Adding Row Numberer:

  1: RowNumberer r = new RowNumberer();
  2: List<ColumnConfig> configs = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();
  3: configs.add(r);  

and then add the plugin to the grid.

Adding Checkboxes:
  1: CheckBoxSelectionModel sm = new CheckBoxSelectionModel();
  2: configs.add(sm.getColumn());

Add the plugin to the grid

Adding the grid plugin will provide automatic reorganization when the grid store values have changed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

EditorGrid tab order in gxt

I had problems with editor grid previously too. But yesterday was heights. The tab order for the editorGrid was working fine if the grid store has previous values within it. My requirement is to add a new row if that is the last one and continue the tab order after that row into the next one. 

I tried adding the row using the BeforeEdit event for the Editor Grid and looking for that column. It so happens that the selection is lost for that cell, as soon as the row is added and tabs does not work after that.


  1: GridModelData batchData = new GridModelData();
  2: grid.getStore().insert(batchData, i);
  3: ((CellSelectionModel<GridModelData>)grid.getSelectionModel()).selectCell(i - 1,"last column number");
We basically set the focus back to the last cell which was lost when we insert a row into the grid.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cell color change in grid

Some of the applications require a different color for a cell to distinguish it from the others. This feature can be achieved using GridCellRenderer and setting the CSS for the cell using config.css which is a parameter for the renderer.

  1: day.setRenderer(new GridCellRenderer<ModelData>(){
  2:     public String render(ModelData model, String property,
  3:       ColumnData config, int rowIndex, int colIndex,
  4:       ListStore<ModelData> store) {
  5:      if(!((String)model.get(colIndex+"adjcode")).equals(""))
  6:       {
  7:        config.css = "x-cell-Color-Change";
  8:        model.set(colIndex+"cellvalue", model.get(colIndex+"adjcode"));
  9:       }else {
 10:        config.css = "";
 11:        if(model.getPropertyNames().contains(colIndex+"deptno2") && !((String)model.get(colIndex+"deptno2")).equals("")) {
 12:         config.css = "x-cell-double";
 13:         model.set(colIndex+"cellvalue", model.get(colIndex+"deptno")+" - "+model.get(colIndex+"shift")+"<br/>"+model.get(colIndex+"deptno2")+" - "+model.get(colIndex+"shift2"));
 14:        }
 15:        else
 16:         model.set(colIndex+"cellvalue", model.get(colIndex+"deptno")+" - "+model.get(colIndex+"shift"));
 17:       }
 18:       return model.get(colIndex+"cellvalue");
 20:     }
 21:    });

We need to take care that if the condition is not met we need to remove the CSS style else the CSS is applied to all the rows following that column.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ColdFusion or IE?

I have been working on displaying the grid for the calendar widget. I use JSON to parse the data from the ColdFusion for the GXT grid store. The data from the database is formatted a lot in ColdFusion, using a couple of loops. The problem is that ColdFusion unwraps the loop and place as white spaces in HTML and send them back to the user. Well another problem here is that the white spaces returned by ColdFusion is handled by chrome and safari very good except for IE.

In my case when using couple of loops with around 36 records ( well lots of formatting done for each record)  it returns a HTML file with around 4500 lines of white space, and just about 100 lines of useful data.  My application with the white spaces would take something like 4-5 sec to load in safari but would take about a whooping 1.5 min when trying to display in IE.

Well now should ColdFusion return the HTML with the white spaces or should IE have better white space handling??

Monday, April 13, 2009

Adding a listener to a HTML element in gxt

I was trying to add a listener to a HTML element and finally figured out how to do that.

The current scenario is that of a grid, which has a HTML image in one column and a listener has to be attached, so that it performs a task when clicked.

I placed the HTML tag in the grid cell renderer for that particular column

  1: employeeColumn.setRenderer(new GridCellRenderer<ModelData>(){
  2:  public String render(ModelData model, String property,
  3:   ColumnData config, int rowIndex, int colIndex,
  4:   ListStore<ModelData> store) {
  5:    return model.get("fullname")+"<span qtip='copy'><image class=\"copy\" src = 'image/arrow_right.png'></image></span>";
  6:  }
  7: });
The image used has a class name which is used to identify that image in the listener. 
Writing the listener
  1: grid.addListener(Events.CellClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>(){
  2:        public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
  3:          GridEvent ge = (GridEvent)be;
  4:           if(ge.colIndex == 0)
  5:   {
  6:           if(ge.getTarget(".copy", 1) != null)
  7:    {
  8:                         }
  9:                 }
 10:        }
 11: });

My employeeColumn is my first column in the grid, so i select this column in the cell click event. And then I try to select the image with the class copy by checking with the highlighted condition if the target is “copy”.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Setting tool tip for data in grid cells GXT

I have been working a lot on grid lately and had to get a tool tip with some information when we go over the grid cell that has data. I looked around and found QuickTip class in GXT that can be used. The data in the tooltip has to be written in HTML.

How to use it?

Create and initialize quickTip for the grid or for any widget you want the tool tip for

QuickTip quickTip = new QuickTip(grid);

using quickTip when rendering a grid column

1:    cm.getColumn(i).setRenderer(new GridCellRenderer<ModelData>(){  
2:          public String render(ModelData model,  
3:                     String property, ColumnData config,  
4:       int rowIndex, int colIndex,  
5:       ListStore<ModelData> store) {  
6:      String myColumnData = model.get( "satCellValue" );  
7:      StringBuffer  tooltip = new StringBuffer();  
8:      tooltip.append(model.get("satsiteno")).append(" - ").append(model.get("satdeptno"))  
9:     .append("<br>").append(model.get("satstartTime")).append(" - ").append(model.get("satendTime")); 
10:              String html = "<span qtip='" + tooltip + "'>" 
11:     + myColumnData + "</span>"; 
12:     return html; 
13:    } 
14:    return ""; 
15:    } 
16:   });

In the render method of gridCellRenderer add the quickTip html to the data for that column using qtip which indicates the quickTip data. I have not tried it but i think quickTip works the same for all the other widgets as well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Academic Earth

Academic earth is an organization that has been started to provide world class education through video lectures of some of the great scholars from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT. Well this is a for profit organization and has been started from a young entrepreneur from Yale.

Most of the videos I watched are in the area of entrepreneurship with about 10 min talks from some professors and entrepreneurs and I should mention that they are very good.

Good work guys keep it up..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

setting cell height of a grid

Actually the cell height of the grid in gxt changes based on the text and the initial line height is set to 15px. I tried to set it through CSS, but i wasn’t able to. So i decided to change the CSS in the “ext-all.css” which is a very bad idea. But this is one of the easier approaches that i could think of, but it works since we have javascript developed for each module as such, so using the changed CSS for one module doesn’t effect much. Anyways, the following has been modified to change the height of the cell to 50px.

    HEIGHT : 50px;
    PADDING-LEFT: 5px;
    TEXT-OVERFLOW: ellipsis;
    WHITE-SPACE: nowrap;
    OVERFLOW: hidden;
    PADDING-TOP: 3px;
    border: 1px solid #ffff;
    -o-text-overflow: ellipsis
and also 
.x-grid3-row TD
    LINE-HEIGHT : 15px;
    PADDING-LEFT: 1px;
    -moz-user-select: none

I am adding the highlighted attributes to the CSS, which will set the cell height to 50px and the line height for the cell to be 15px. So, the cell is display a total of 3 lines correctly.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Multi cell selection in a row in a grid in gxt

I have been working on selecting multiple cells in a particular row of a grid. This is a requirement for the schedule calendar that i am trying to build at work. This functionality as far as i know is not provided by gxt and thus i wrote a class that extends the CellSelectionModel and   that uses the same technique to select multiple rows in the grid. The user has to press the shift key for multi cell selection and also it should be noted that the selection is for only one row in a grid.

After working it out, in my selection the first cell is always not selected. On looking into it, i figured out that it is the problem of the focus. The gxt’s onfocus event occurs after i set the selected cells, so the first cell looses focus. In-order to  figure out a solution, i am not sure if this is the right way to do this, but i decided to use the DeferredCommand class from GWT. The code written in DeferredCommand is used executed after all the events are handled. So in this case i am setting the style to “cell-selected” after all the events are done, so it works perfectly fine. And the multi selection works only with the shift key.

package com.peoplenet.weekView.client;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.El;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.GridEvent;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.CellSelectionModel;
 * This class is an extension of CellSelectionModel. 
 * The CellSelectionModel allows us to select only one cell at a particular time. 
 * This Class allows us to select multiple cells in a particular row in a grid.
 * Multi select is performed by pressing the shift key with the mouse click
 * @author Ravikanth Kolli
 * @version 1.0
 * @param <M>
public class RowCellSelectionModel<M extends ModelData> extends CellSelectionModel<M> { 
	int lastSelectedRow;
	int lastSelectedCol;
	private CellSelection selected ;
	List<CellSelection> cellsSelected = new ArrayList<CellSelection>();
	 * Overriding the handleMouseDown event.
	 * MultiSelect is done by pressing the shiftkey 
	protected void handleMouseDown(GridEvent e) {
		if(e.colIndex ==0 )
		if(lastSelectedRow == 0)
			selected = new CellSelection(store.getAt(e.rowIndex),e.rowIndex,e.colIndex);
			lastSelectedRow = e.rowIndex;
			lastSelectedCol = e.colIndex;
		}else if (lastSelectedRow == e.rowIndex && e.isShiftKey())
			for (int i = 1 ; i < 8; i++) {
				Element cell = grid.getView().getCell(lastSelectedRow, i);
				if (cell != null) {"x-grid3-cell-selected");
			if(lastSelectedCol > e.colIndex){
				for (int iter = e.colIndex; iter < lastSelectedCol ; iter++)
					selected = new CellSelection(store.getAt(e.rowIndex),e.rowIndex,iter);
				lastSelectedRow = e.rowIndex;
				for (int iter = lastSelectedCol; iter < e.colIndex + 1 ; iter++)
					selected = new CellSelection(store.getAt(e.rowIndex),e.rowIndex,iter);
				lastSelectedRow  = e.rowIndex;
			for (int i = 1 ; i < 8; i++)
				Element cell = grid.getView().getCell(lastSelectedRow, i);
				if (cell != null) {"x-grid3-cell-selected");
			selected = new CellSelection(store.getAt(e.rowIndex),e.rowIndex,e.colIndex);
			lastSelectedRow = e.rowIndex;
			lastSelectedCol = e.colIndex;
		DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
	        public void execute() {
	        	for (int iter = 0 ; iter < cellsSelected.size() ; iter++) {	
	    			Element element = grid.getView().getCell(cellsSelected.get(iter).row,cellsSelected.get(iter).cell);
	    			if (element != null) {"x-grid3-cell-selected");
	 * Method to get the list of all the selected cells at a particular time
	 * @return list of selected CellSelections.
	public List<CellSelection> getSelectedCells()
		return cellsSelected;

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blogging from shozu app..

Well I just downloaded an app called shozu. Well the app looks pretty good to me but it would hve been a bit more effective if it is available in landscape view.. Well atleast it gives an option for users to blog on the go..

Posted by ShoZu

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

workstation service

If you are trying to access a network, or if you are meddling with your windows services, make sure that the workstation service in started as it relates to accessing files over a local network. You can get to this service through Control Panel - > Administrative tools -> services.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Learning C#, basics of .net

A friend of mine took up the initiative to teach .NET to a bunch of illiterate guys ( well that includes me to) . So far we are done with 2 sessions and just started delving into the basics of .NET. I hope atleast this attempt of my learning .NET gets successful.