Monday, May 4, 2009

Cell color change in grid

Some of the applications require a different color for a cell to distinguish it from the others. This feature can be achieved using GridCellRenderer and setting the CSS for the cell using config.css which is a parameter for the renderer.

  1: day.setRenderer(new GridCellRenderer<ModelData>(){
  2:     public String render(ModelData model, String property,
  3:       ColumnData config, int rowIndex, int colIndex,
  4:       ListStore<ModelData> store) {
  5:      if(!((String)model.get(colIndex+"adjcode")).equals(""))
  6:       {
  7:        config.css = "x-cell-Color-Change";
  8:        model.set(colIndex+"cellvalue", model.get(colIndex+"adjcode"));
  9:       }else {
 10:        config.css = "";
 11:        if(model.getPropertyNames().contains(colIndex+"deptno2") && !((String)model.get(colIndex+"deptno2")).equals("")) {
 12:         config.css = "x-cell-double";
 13:         model.set(colIndex+"cellvalue", model.get(colIndex+"deptno")+" - "+model.get(colIndex+"shift")+"<br/>"+model.get(colIndex+"deptno2")+" - "+model.get(colIndex+"shift2"));
 14:        }
 15:        else
 16:         model.set(colIndex+"cellvalue", model.get(colIndex+"deptno")+" - "+model.get(colIndex+"shift"));
 17:       }
 18:       return model.get(colIndex+"cellvalue");
 20:     }
 21:    });

We need to take care that if the condition is not met we need to remove the CSS style else the CSS is applied to all the rows following that column.

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