Well i am a novice in JavaScript, and so i started writing a simple Ad time out script. The most tricky part was to display the time along with the other text, and do transfer to the next page after time out. I learnt that we can place the html at any place
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> <!-- var secs var timerID = null var timerRunning = false var delay = 1000 function InitializeTimer() { // Set the length of the timer, in seconds secs = 10 StopTheClock(); StartTheTimer(); } function StopTheClock() { if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false; } function StartTheTimer() { if (secs < 0) { window.location = "next.html" } else { document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML=secs; self.status = secs secs = secs - 1 timerRunning = true timerID = self.setTimeout("StartTheTimer()", delay) } } //--> </SCRIPT>
Then i learned that we can use document.getElementById(<a or span or div Id) in line 32 to set the value to the current time in the html.
The way i was accessing it in the body of html is
<p class="style3">click to skip or wait for <span id="timer"></span> seconds
A Div element can be used but i get it as
click to skip or wait for 5 seconds
So i changed it to span to get all in a single line. I read that anchor tag also works but haven’t tried it.
Another interesting thing that i learned is that we can move to the next page after time out using
JavaScript timer code : http://www.mcfedries.com/JavaScript/timer.asp
Here's another way to do this without javascript (for those who have turned off javascript )
include this in ur HTML HEAD section
meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="5; url=http://www.yourdomain.com/index.html"
the content attribute specifies how many seconds you want the current page to wait before the redirect.
Good Stuff Mr.Kolli! It IS gonna be pretty!
Well thats awesome.Thanks man..
I am pretty dumb in javascript back then (even now though..). Hope you can go through my other posts and comment on them too..
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