Wednesday, September 26, 2007


hi guys, this is Ravikanth kolli. i am a masters student and currently in my third semester. Well i havent written a blog or a web page, this being my first one. I clearly have no idea what should be in a blog and how i should be using it but i am pretty sure that i will get to know about it in the near future and keep u updated. So far so good for me. My studies are going on well and have plans to lear n a new lot of things which i havenot done till now. Currently i am just planning to write a web crawler and once i am done with that i will keep u updated with a clear method to write one. I also have plans to learn a bit of VB for now, just the basics ofcourse in the beginning. Well i think i will stop here for now and once i complete my first crawler i will have it updated in the blog..

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